We believe the Bible is inspired by God, and without error, our final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
We believe that God is a Spirit, eternal, unchangeable, all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present. He is One God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the same in substance, equal in power and glory. God created all things out of nothing, and is the Sovereign Lord of his creation and its creatures.
We believe Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He is fully God and fully human. He lived a sinless life, suffered and died for our sins, rose bodily from the grave on the third day, and ascended to heaven where he sits glorified at the right hand of our heavenly Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead, reigning forever as King of kings and Lord of lords.
We believe the Holy Spirit brings new birth, seals us in Christ, and indwells us with the presence and power of our Risen Lord. Through his work, we are being conformed to the image of Christ. To that end, the Holy Spirit gives us necessary fruit and gifts.
We believe that all humans have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. As such, we are under his just condemnation, with no hope other than in his mercy and grace. But, our heavenly Father chose to love us unconditionally, and to redeem and restore us to full fellowship with him and his forever family.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. There are no other means to be saved other than putting our trust in his finished work alone for our salvation. There is no righteousness good enough to please God, except for Christ’s, which is imputed to us through grace, and received by faith alone.
We believe that Jesus is our Lord. Having been bought with a price, we are not our own. Therefore, we must die to self and become fully devoted followers of our Savior.
We believe that Christ has established his church for the advancement of his kingdom and the good of his people. He alone is the head of his church. We believe that every Christian should be actively involved in the life of a Christ-honoring local church.
We believe in the visible, bodily return of Christ to subdue all his and our enemies. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the Final Judgment, and an everlasting life that will either be spent separated from God in outer darkness, or in his presence in a new heaven and earth.
I. Are you committed to any one Denomination?
No, to reach 174 million natives of Digital Land, we must raise a mission force of millions of evangelical grandparents. Our vision and mission are too big to limit ourselves to any single denomination. We need to partner with fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and Bible-believing churches of all denominations.
II. What is Legacy Imperative’s faith perspective?
Our statement of faith precedes this FAQ. Our staff, board members, and small group leaders must subscribe to its precepts. Other than that, our staff, board, and missionaries to Digital Land are involved in a wide array of evangelical churches.
III. Will you respect the doctrinal distinctives that make our church unique?
We will not deviate from our vision, mission, values, and faith statement [all posted at legacyimperative.org]. Those with whom we partner should be comfortable with that reality. Beyond that, we do not promote or teach that which touches on issues that divide Bible-believing Christians, such as church policy, eschatology, baptism, spiritual gifts, worship styles, etc. In our planning with each local church, we will make sure that we understand the unique ethos of that congregation and tailor our presentation accordingly.
IV. Is there a principle that guides Legacy Imperative on doctrinal issues?
We are single-focused: to operate according to the Great Commandment [John 13:34&35] to fulfill the Great Commission [Matthew 28:16-20], particularly to mobilize grandparents to disciple their grandchildren who are natives of Digital Land. We won’t get bogged down in those theological disputes that are not central to our mission, vision, and statement of faith.
This is our credo when it comes to doctrinal issues: In essentials, unity. In non-essentials liberty. In all things, charity.
V. Where do you stand on the cultural/political wars that have divided churches?
While Legacy Imperative believes that the cultural issues of our day are important, our ultimate battle is for the hearts and minds of our next-generation kids. We are not so concerned about making America great for our children, as we are in forging great children for a better America and world.
We believe that fighting the culture and political wars has sidetracked evangelicals from doing the work that can bring about another spiritual awakening. We believe that grandparents can spark such an awakening. On the other hand, if we have reached the tipping point, we must prepare our children and grandkids to stand strong in dark days ahead.
It matters little who’s in the White House, statehouse, courthouse, schoolhouse, or Houses of Congress, if we lose our moral compass in the church house or in our houses. To paraphrase Jesus, what should it profit us if we win the culture wars, only to see our children or grandchildren lose their souls? At Legacy Imperative, we take seriously the words of St. Paul: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of darkness in unseen realms.” [Ephesians 6:12&13]
VI. Is Legacy Imperative sensitive to the racial, ethnic divides in evangelicalism?
It is our intention not only to reach across denominational divides, but to partner with churches of differing racial, ethnic, and cultural makeups. We are sensitive to both the history and current realities that have brought about significant racial, social, political, and generational divides in America. We believe that all Christians in every community are facing a seismic crisis when it comes to losing their next generation children and grandkids to the seductions of media, academia, and many other voices in a postmodern, secular culture.
We are committed to building a team and board that is generationally and racially diverse, so that we might remain on the cutting edge of societal changes. Our Legacy Imperative team and board are a combination of young warriors and seasoned veterans. We intentionally craft our films, social media, webinars, tools, and workshops to communicate to as wide an audience as possible. We aren’t there yet, but we are working hard to get there.
VII. Can we adjust your training materials to fit our unique church perspectives?
We have designed our ten-week, small group mission training, and our follow-up sustaining groups with enough flexibility for you to conduct them within your unique doctrinal and cultural context.
Our desire is to come alongside your church and help you reach your next- generation children and grandkids for Jesus Christ. We want to aid you in getting inactive parishioners off the bench and back into the game as fully devoted followers of Christ. Your grandparent members are a precious treasure given to your church by God. It’s up to you to disciple and unleash them to forge the future. As we say in Legacy Imperative: It’s time to re-fire, not retire.
VIII. What if we have more questions?
Contact Elin at 239-206-9378 or Elin@LegacyImperative.org. We will do our best to answer any and all questions you may have.